Friday, October 1, 2010


I have not posted anything in over a month. I suck lol. So much has happened in these last few weeks! It's like my life has been turned 360 degrees! I have never been any happier than I am right now!

So I work in the Magic Kingdom! Im sooo excited about this!! I was seriously not expecting that! It is so exciting that they chose for me to work in the most magical place on property! :)

Liberty Square! The smallest land in the park and one with a really great theme. My costume is not the greatest Its kind of hot and really heavy and I tend to trip a lot. But I love my co-workers soo much!! They are soo nice! I feel like I got really lucky with this area...I work four stores, Heritage House, Yankee Trader, the Haunted Mansion Cart, and the Christmas Shoppe. And it is sreiously soo much fun! (Especially the Christmas Shoppe!)

My roommates are pretty amazing too! My in-room roommate, Taylor, works at the Yacht and Beach Club and she is hilarious! I love roomming with her! Jess works at the Electric Umbrella at Epcot. Im so jealous that she gets to work at Epcot! lol Her roommate, Caitie, Works at the Tomorrowland Speedway at the Magic Kingdom. We are the only two people who work at MK in the apartment. Britt works at Typhoon Lagoon and she is amazing and Steph works at the Yacht and Beach Club. Im so excited that I am roomming with them and they are soo amazing! I seriously could not ask for better roommates! :D

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Packing is Complete

Yay! I am finally done packing! I have really been slacking on it.

My room doesn't look as bare as I thought it was going to. But my closet is practically empty. Everything is in the living room now, waiting to be packed up, which we are going to do Saturday night.

Tomorrow is my going away party. It's just going to be something really small with some family. Im going to miss them a lot and I'm sad to say goodbye. We are just going to have a dinner that night and then finish getting ready to go Sunday morning.

So I packed all of my clothes earlier. It was pretty messy. Clothes were everywhere! lol But it all got done quickly and I am pleased to say that everything fit into the last few bins I had. lol

Next stop: Family Dinner, and then, Disney!

Monday, August 23, 2010

So Close!

Today is the last Monday in Lake Placid! I am soo excited that it is almost time to leave! This week is going to be crazy busy! Today wasnt too bad, but tomorrow I have to go and clean out my car (it's really super messy), Wednesday I will clean my room for the final time, and then Thursday I have to finish packing all of my clothes! Most of them are already packed away in bins. So I also have to do some last min shopping too. A lot of it will be done when I get to Orlando though. :)

So, I thought about finding out where I work early, but I think I am going to wait. I mean, if I have already waited five months, then I think I can wait a week...but it's still soo tempting!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


I have only 9 days left! Why do I fear that time will move so slow? *Sigh* I am just so ready to go that it's not even funny.

Well, tomorrow is my last day at work. I am very excited because that will mean that i am closer to Disney and the awesomeness that will become of it! lol

So tonight was a wonderful night because I got to skype my friends Taylor and Haley! It was soooo awesome! They sound fantastic and I seriously cannot wait to meet them!

So, this next week will be frightfully boring. I will begin the last bits of packing...but not until later in the week. I have the majority of everything packed and ready to go!

So yes, this was a lame update for next week. Hopefully, I am totally wrong and next week is insanely busy :P

Monday, August 16, 2010

13 Days

So in 13 days, I wil be heading up to Orlando. I have already done the majoity of shopping and packing for the apartment.

I does look like a And my room is really realy bare. But I wanted to make sure that everything was ready to go. I cannot believe that this is happening! I have lived here for so long that it seem so surreal that I am leaving. But it is a good thing because I am ready to leave this place. But Im beginning to get a little

So this is my little update..Oh, Im getting my haircut on Wed...Im thinking about a short bob...I usually dye it a dark red, but I can't because then if my roots grow I will have to continue to dye it...and it become expensive :(

And here is a picture of my Doggie! Minnie!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Home Stretch

So, there are only 21 days until I leave for the Happiest Place on Earth. I am not prepared. Well, I'm semi-prepared. I have most everything for the room...but nothing is really packed. So, my Mom and I have to begin the process of cleaning and paking everything in bins.

It makes me sad when I clean my's not going to be mine anymore. It is going to belong to one of my brothers...So, that may be distubing.

But I'm super excited and it needs to be September already!!

So I have bought quite a few things for the apartment in the past few days. Some boring stuff like a wastebasket and tupperware. But then I got some cool stuff like this really awesome pen! It looks like a feather and its soo cool! And I bought one a magnetic grocery list...So we can put it on the fridge. lol

I like to shop, what can I say? But, now I need to save my money so I can buy some awesome stuff at Disney! (Like Food! lol)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Everything Pop!

So I found this while I was browsing the DIS Boards...and it just called my name. I have to do it! It's a Pop Century Scavenger Hunt!

  • Take picture at The sign of your birth year and Anniversary at POP
  • How many hidden Mickey's can you find? Take a picture of each one.
  • At 6pm – Do the Hustle? Go to Food Court. What is it? Take a picture of it.
  • What is everything Pop? Take a picture of it.
  • What year did WDW open? Take a picture in front of the sign.
  • Play a game of Twister and take some pictures while playing.
  • What is Petals? Take a picture of it including one with you in it.
  • Look for the secret button (80/90's-9000-3rd floor). Take a picture of it.
  • Get a picture with Goofy and his Red Car.
  • How many pools are there – Take a picture of each from an upper level balcony.
  • Looking from an upper level on the 50's Bowling Pin Pool –What do you notice?
  • What are the hours of the pools – Take a picture of the sign with you in front of it.
  • How many beach balls are in each pool? Take a picture of some of them.
  • How many Icons are there – Take a picture in front of each one.
  • How many types of stairwells are there –Take a picture in front of each one.
  • How many Laundromats are there – Take a picture in front of each one.
  • How many places are there to eat or drink at? Take a picture in front of each one.
  • At the Big Juke Box – How many songs are listed?
  • Find a vending machine with a Castle on it. Take a picture in front of it.
  • Find the refillable mugs and take your picture in front of them.
  • Find the Lunar Landing Shadow box from July 1969. Take a picture of it.
  • How many shadow boxes are there? Take a picture of your favorites.
  • Cross the Generation Gap. What is it? Take a picture of it.
  • Find "Fast Forward". What is it? Take a picture of it.
  • Find a game with the sign "Hit the Lizard on the butt" – Read the rest.
  • Find the playground. Take a picture of you doing something on the playground.
  • Find a Bunny, Duck and Squirrel. Take pictures of each.
  • Walk Memory Lane & read the signs. Take a picture of your favorites.
  • Find the Ping pong table and play (bring your own or .50). Take a picture.
  • Find the keyboard. Spell your name on it. Take a picture of you doing it.
  • Walk around Hourglass Lake. Take a picture in front of your birth year.
  • Find Mr. Potato Head. Take a picture in front of it.
  • Find Play-doh. Take a picture in front of it.
  • Find the powder blue golf cart that is an old fashioned car. Take a picture in it.
  • Look for the yellow POP min-bus with Peace signs. Take a picture with it.
  • Write down one song you hear from one of the different Decades.
  • Find Roger-What do you notice about the picture behind him? Take a picture of it.
  • Take a picture of your favorite Saying on the buildings.
  • Take a picture of a Disney and Magical Express Bus.
  • Take a picture of yourself in front of the POP Sign at the front of the hotel.
  • How many pictures are behind the check-in counter? Take a picture of your favorite. 
Oh and I made a Listography Account. It's pretty Addicting. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Places to Be Seen

The time is drawing closer! Eep! And so I have been thinking about possible places to work. I know that there are possible ways to hear your location ahead of time, but thats not my style. lol I want to be plesently suprised! So here is my list of places where I would like to work.

1. Mouse Gear
I love this store! And I love epcot! This is like the central store there! It sells a little bit of everything. And it's not like, miles long, but it's not super duper tiny either. So, I think that I would really enjoy working here.

2. Mickey's Star Traders
Located in Tomarrowland, at the Magic kingdom. This shope is pretty fantastic. And Tomarrowland is my favorite at MK

3. Pooh's Thotful Shop
This is in Fantasyland. If I had to work there, I would hope that this is the shop I got. Pooh is adorable!
5. Mickey's of Hollywood
I've never been here. but I like the name! lol

6. Fantasia
At the Contemperary Resort. My Favorite one!
There's like a million more, but if I keep adding them, I might end up putting every shop on property down!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not an End, but a New Beginning

Day 24 Favorite Parent

Hm. I dont ever really pay attention to the parents or anything...and so I picked...Mulan's grandmother Fa!

Shes Hilarious! lol

Day 25 Favorite Lyrics

Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious

Day 26 Most magical moment. Goodness there are so many moments I could pick! But I chose a moment that I always remember, something so classical and Disney.
Cinderella dancing with Prince Charming. That is just nothing but disney magic.

Day 27 Best Wardrobe
Odd question, becuase a lot of them wear the same thing throughout the movie..But Im going to go with Aurora. Only because of the fairy fights over the color of the dress. I thought that was funny. 
Day 28 Favorite Sequel
Toy Story 3! lol

Day 29 Favorite Overall Moment

Wow, this is good one. Do I want to go with something really funny? Or something heartfelt and serious? Well, I went with funny. Finding Nemo Funny.

Shark Bait Hoo Ha Ha! lol
And Now, Day 30 Favorite Happy ending.
Toy Story 3 wins, hands down. It's too new to spoil right now, so you have to watch the movie to see how it ends.

So thats it! There are 39 days remaning! This really has been a great way to pass the time and commit myself to blog as much as possible. Now back to your regularly schedualed program! :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Real World

So I have been super busy this summer! I know, I am as shocked as you. When I was planning my summer, there were a lot of days where I wasnt really going to do much of anything. But now, I work, and I babysit, and it's crazy. And then I went shopping for the apartment the other day. I got almost everything for the room. I even found the perfect bedding! lol I had originally planned on buying the Disney Polynesian bedding, but I fell in love with this set....its roxy and its green and I will have to take a picture of it soon on my new camera! Yes I got a new one! I am so excited! and the best part is is that it is a kodak! And it can load pics right up to fb through the camera! Its perfect!

So I feel like I needed to update everyone. I know that it has been really busy, but It's important that we keep in a lot of contact, (especially if we want to room together!) Oh, and I got the first three days Itinerary....we will be verrry busy you guys! And we need to arrive early!

A Large Update

So I am very ver very behind lol So lets get on with the show!

Day 20! Funniest Moment

Ah so many funny things I could choose from!

Monsters Inc is my Second favorite Pixar movie (Toy Story is number one!) And so I love the moment where Randall and Mike were talking.

Randel: What happens in 5 minuets.

Mike: I get a timeout?

Randel: Everyone goes to lunch which means the scare floor will be....

Mike: Painted?

Hilarious! lol

Day 21 Favorite Quotes!

Yay! I have A LOT!

'i will call you squishy and you will be my squishy.'

'owww!!' ~Dory

Pumba- "I ate like a pig."

Timon- "Pumba you are a pig."

Pumba- "Oh."

Chum: Humans - -think they own *everything*.

Anchor: Probably *American*.
Teenagers! They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you. --Sebastian

Day 22 Bravest Princess

I think that all of the pincesses are brave...but I have to pick one that stands out. So Pocahontas! I mean, C'mon! She offered to have to head chopped off instead of John Smiths!

Day 23 Favorite Dance Scene

*Sigh* Cindrella at the Ball. When I think of a dance scene that is the first thing I think of. It is all Disney. And full of the Disney magic.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


lol So today is officially catchup day! Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR challenges!

Day 16: Favorite Singing Voice. Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins!

I love her in The Sound of Music and I love her in Mary Poppins. I dont really have a lot of reasoning behind my choice, I just really like her voice.

Day 17: Best Eyes

Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Omg. I love those eyes. And I love the fact that when Belle looked into them, she knew it was Beast, even though he changed back to his human form.

Day 18: Favorite name
Anastasia from Cinderella. Ive always liked that name.

Day 19: Favorite Soundtrack
The Pirates of the Carribbean Soundtrack. I love the music. Its so fantastic and mysterious!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 15

Sooo I have been thinking about this one all day....and I have finally decided on one scene that is just so completely romantic.

I love it. Everything just seems to fall into place at this moment. And thats when you see that this is true love.

Fantastic. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 14

Day 14 Favorite brainer.. the Queen from Snow White

Dude, she is just pure evil...She doesnt even know Snow White...the mirrior just says that she is fairer than the Queen and the Queen then flips and plots to kill her. You cant get much more evil than that

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lucky 13!

Day 13...favorite outift..easy!
Soooo pretty! So classic! Cinderella's dress is the first thing I think about when someone mentions a gown. With the glove and the fullness and the color. just is so magical. :D

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Soo...Another Day Another Challenge! (Or Two)

Well today I will be combining two challenges together, 11 and 12.

Number 11 is favorite Animal sidekick.

Jaq and Gus!

I love them! They are hilarious! And I love how Jaq took Gus under his wing and became friends with him. Gus needed someone and Jaq came and they have been friends ever since.

Number 12 is favorite non-animal sidekick


Ok, so I know that she is technically not human. But, she has enough human qualities to make me think otherwise. I do enjoy her. She is the source of so much magic. She is everwhere in the parks! And I love her attitude! lol

Monday, July 5, 2010

Time and Hair

Ok yes, I know that I havent been doing this every day like I should have been. Ive just been so busy! Work work work! But now I have some time so here is day 10; Best hair!

Soo, I have never really paid much attention to their hair. I really had to think about this one. Mulan wins! I really love her hair! And its so hard to watch because she just chops it off! (Even though it was for a really good reason)
It is so shiny! And loong! lol Oh, and I also have to mention Pocahontas! It was my favorite movie when I was little and I loove her hair!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 9

Day 9 is favorite couple.

This one is a bit tricky. I really had to think about it. Disney is always good at giving the leading couples chemistry. So, after much debabting between a few couples, I finally settled on one.
Aladdin and Jasmine.

There is just so much there....I mean, look at them! They are perfect for each other! I love the whole story of how even though Aladdin isn't rich, Jasmine loves him anyway. He has nothing to offer her, except his love and a monkey.

And she loves him anyway. :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Day 8: Saddest moment.

Mary Poppins "Toppins a Bag" is such a sad moment for me. Every time I see it it just makes me want to cry. She looks so lonely, just sitting there, with no one to talk to except for the birds. Sometimes it remindes me of myself, and I wish that it didnt make me feel so sad. But, it does and it deserves a place on my list.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Days 5, 6, and 7

It's been pretty busy these last few days. But I didnt forget about all of you! lol So now I present day 5 of the 30 day challenge: Favorite kiss.

So this took some thought. I wanted to think of a moment that I really remembered, that really stood out to me.
lol I enjoy it because there is absolutely nothing really romantic about it to me.
It was a manipulative move. And it just really was fantastic :)

So I have been sick all weekend so I will catch up, So number 6 is the prettiest princess. And the Winner is....

Princess Aurora! I can't really explain it. I mean, what is considered pretty? Is it her hair, eyes, smile? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But in my opinion, she has the nicest hair, prettiest eyes, and softest smile.
And now number 7: Favorite Castle...And it is Cinderella's castle! I love this castle, this is the first thing I think of when someone says Disney World. It has become the symbol of fantasy and dreams. And that is what Walt wanted. He created this place for dreams to come true and spend time with your family doing something that you couldn't do everyday. And I think that this is wonderful and this castle really represents that.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 4!

Disney 30 Day challenge: Day 4, favorite Disney Song

lol A toughie. I'm actually not really in to all of the Disney, but there are a few that I do like.

But my favorite Disney song is from Mary Poppins.


I love the song because it is so catchy! I like to hum it when I think no one can hear me. It's just a fantastic song. And I love the movie. I donno, the movie is just classic Disney. I like that. It's just a simply wonderful movie that only Disney can pull off.

Ok, so yeah kinda lame, but like I said, I'm not much of a song person. And now I must go and think of an answer for the next challenge: Favorite Kiss...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Numbah 3!

Day 3 of the Disney Challenge! Favorite Prince!
Ok, this is kinda tough....I was really torn between a couple of them...but once I sat down and really thought about it, one really stood out to me.

Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty. I like him because he was willing to defy his father to be with Briar Rose. He had no idea that she was a princess, and when he found out, it didn't change anything for him. He went through so much to be with her. I mean, c'mon, he faught a dragon! lol

So, when I think of a prince. I think of the guy that will do anything for me, no matter how impossible it may seem.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Alright! Day 2!

Disney 30 Day challenge: Day 2! Favorite Disney Princess!

Ok, this one is easy. My favorite Disney Princess is Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I can relate to her the most. She is kind of a bookworm, very smart. She doesnt like Beast at first. She is frightened of him. I love how Beast must change for her, instead of the other way around. She is caring, and nurtuing, even to those who arent very nice to her.

So, Belle wins for this challenge :) Hands down.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

So Haley found this amazing 30 day challenge on tumblr, and I just HAVE to do it!
So today is day 1...My favorite Disney Movie!

Ok, on this I am so torn! I have two favorites! lol
Beauty and the Beast is one of them. I absolutely LOVE Belle! She is so headstrong, and stubborn lol kinda like me. I also love the songs too. I swear, I could sing them all day long! And the story itself is amazing. It is about the Beast, and his imperfections. About trust, and finding out what is important in life.
Toy Story Is the other movie. The first one. It is just so fantastic! I have always wondered what happens to the toys when you leave the room. lol And Toy Story is very special to me because it is a movie that grew as I grew. Andy is the same age as me. He is going to college, like I am. And so this is a bit of noglastica for me, going back and seeing him when he was five. I felt like I myself was five again.
So stay tuned for the next challenge!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gotta Have it!

Ok, so now that I am making some money this summer, I really want to go shopping for the apartment. But, time is not being my friend so for right now, it is window shopping online for me. :) I have found some wonderful stuff that I think would be really useful or just look great in the apartment!

1. Sustainable Party Cups!
lol I love it! These are a set of four red party cups. But made from sturdier material and can be used over and over again! It's eco-friendly! lol $16.99

2. Washing & Hoping & Dreaming Dish Rack
I really hate doing the dishes. Easily my least favorite chore. But for the lucky soul who does end up doing them, let them dry in style and convience! (Or we could just use the dishwasher I suppose lol) $42.99

3. Recycled Album Coaster

I dont really think that we will need coasters...but if we do, then these are def. the ones to have! Loving the retro vibe! lol $16

4. Halogen iPod Desk Lamp
Like seriously! An ipod on your lamp? Awesome!
5.Kodak EasyShare M340 Green 10.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom, 2.7" LCD
I need to get a camera. And I looove Kodak! And the color is so pretty! lol I love the feature where you can instantly share your picture with everyone on your facebook, right from your camera! perfect for on the go!   

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And the Answers Appear!

Okay so I'm pretty sure you guys have been raking your brains trying to figure out the answers to the questions. (Some of them are pretty hard) So Let's relax those brain muscles and learn something new!

Question one: How many miles is the monorail system at Disney World? 14.7 miles. It loops through the Magic Kingdom, epcot, the Contemporary, the Polynesian, the Grand Floridian, and the Ticket and Transporation Center.

Question two: What happened on the day that Splash Mountain made its official debeut? It Rained. :(

Question three: What did Walt believe was the secret of Mickey's popularity? That he was so human

Question four: What's the names of the restrooms in Toontown? Pete's Garage

Question five: What ride was original in the location of the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh? Mr. Toads Wild Ride

Question six: Walt said that Mickey Mouse was a symbol of what? Independence

Question seven: Who are the new owners of the Enchanted Tiki Room? Zazu and Iago

Question eight: What is the name of the river around Tom Sawyer Island? Rivers of America

Question nine: What animal spits water at you on the Magic Carpets on Aladdin? Camels

Question ten: Why are dark rides called dark rides? Because they are in the dark :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trivia Tuesday!

So I'm going to be working at this magical place, I have done a ton on research on it within the last couple of years. I know my way around all of the rides and resorts. I know where to start when I am planning for a vacation for my family. I know obscure facts about all of the parks. But, there are still so many things that I need to know! So, thanks to, I found a ton of trivia questions that will help!

Okay, Question one: How many miles is the monorail system at Disney World?

Question two: What happened on the day that Splash Mountain made its official debeut?

Question three: What did Walt believe was the secret of Mickey's popularity?

Question four: What's the names of the restrooms in Toontown?

Question five: What ride was original in the location of the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh?

Question six: Walt said that Mickey Mouse was a symbol of what?

Question seven: Who are the new owners of the Enchanted Tiki Room?

Question eight: What is the name of the river around Tom Sawyer Island?

Question nine: What animal spits water at you on the Magic Carpets on Aladdin?

Question ten: Why are dark rides called dark rides?

Okay, 10 questions. Leave your answers in the comments. I will post the answers tomarrow!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pop Century: The "Forgotten" Years

So I should be making the reservations soon. lol
Pop Century is one of my favorite hotels not only for the price, but of the controversy surrounding its other half.
Pop Century was originally supposed to be opened at the end of 2001, but then the tragic event of September 11, 2001 and Florida's slow economy prevented this from happening.
But, half of Pop Century did eventually open in 2003. Pop Century Classic years, featuring the decades from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s are all up and running, but there is a dark cloud just across the hourglass lake: The unfinished half of the Pop Century Legendary Years.

The Legendary Years were supposed to feature the decades of the 1900s, 10s, 20s, 30s, and 40s. Compared to the bright colors and elaborate decorations of the Classic Years. The unfinished part of the Legendary Years look dark and haunting, not necessarily like a typical Disney Resort.
Many people don't like how this resort is not finished and they consider it an eyesore to look at. I personally find it completely fascinating. It's like the black sheep of Disney World. You know it's there, but no one really talks about it.

Or so I thought.

I was looking for a little more information on this matter and so I googled it. Well It took me to a lot of websites talking about River Country or Discovery Island. No one was really talking about Pop. Until I found a thread on the DIS Boards

Wow, many people wondered about this place too! I know the thread is a bit old, but it is a very good read.

So Jess, Caitie, Taylor when we stay at Pop we are definitely going to have to check this place out!