Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Overcoming Obstacles

Oh my goodness! This morning was so hectic! I checked my email (as I do everyday) and saw that I had an email from the Disney Careerstart recruiting team! They wanted to do a web interview! Naturally, I was very excited and I began my interview. It was set up in a very similar way as applying to a grocery store. Well, I was going through the questions, stating whether or not I agree with them, when a messege shows up saying that there was an error! Not now! I click the back button, but it takes me to the homepage. I log back in, give them my access code, and they tell me that my interview was complete and sent off! 'How could I be done?' I asked myself. I didn't get all of the information afterwards.' So I call the number that was on the website and I tell them my problem. The woman tells me that this similar situation is common and according to her, I did finish the interview and it was sent to Disney. I thank her and hang up the phone. I sit back and think for a miniute. I really dont think that I finished. I had that nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that something wasn't right. So I call her back. I stress to her that something was not quite right. She was super nice about it. She told me not to worry and to try calling the Dinsey CareerStart recruiting team to see if they have recieved it. I thanked her and called them up. I repeat my situation and the woman from Disney tells me that she had, in fact, recieved my interview and that everything looked fine. I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. She then asked if I was ready to scheduale my phone interview. I almost fainted. YES! YES! YES! I told her absolutely, and so it it schedualed for tonight at 10:30! It's a little on the later side, but I told her that I wanted to do it as soon as possibe. I'm extremely nervous. I don't have that much time to prepare. But I know that everything will be fine and to just relax and remember to smile. That shouldn't be to hard becuase I will be so excited! Please keep your fingers crossed! I will let you know how it goes!