Tuesday, March 16, 2010

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!

Short post! Here's my Touring in the Magic Kingdom Outfit!

Find me on Polyvore

Shirt- Forever 21- $13
Shorts- charlotterusse
Sunglasses- Forever 21- $5.80
Shoes - debshops.com - $10
Necklace - Disney Couture Alice Silver Bottle Necklace - Disney Store


haleypixie said...

oh my..that shirt makes me smile

Anonymous said...

Cute! I like the bottle lol

Nichele said...

Haley...I love this shirt! It's great!

Steph...I know! I found it on Claire's at first...but I couldnt copy the pic..so I serched forever until I found another one...this one didnt list a price so it's probably very expensive...lol